Hey all! Back briefly following a message over Twitter to present a quick compilation of all the advanced classes together in a single pdf. This should make it a bit easier to browse through them all. The pdf is separated into two parts, indicating which advanced classes I consider "complete" or not. Here's the content: GM Binder: Modern Manual Compiled Advanced Classes I also thought it might be helpful to briefly go over the difference between the "complete" and "incomplete" advanced classes. The complete ones are everything that I published from this post onwards , while the incomplete ones are everything before that. I explain the changes I made a little bit there, but to summarise advanced classes generally got a bit beefier at that point, with more features per level on average. It's also around that time that I tweaked advanced classes to start at 2nd level rather than 3rd. If you plan on using any of the outdated advanced classes, keep th...
This is amazing! Great job. Wizards needs to hire you to do the official conversion
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ReplyDeleteI've been searching for a good Modern conversion that honored the old play-style. Haven't read every update yet, but it looks great so far
ReplyDeleteI would love to see you tackle the other d20 books in this like the past, apocalypse, Dark matter, etc the game mechanics also put out some very cool books back then to.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I have tried to tackle with my gaming grouping using your system; the Fast hero perk of Ready action as bonus action. With it, they have pushed for an action - movement - and then an entire new action (usually an attack) at any point in the round. so it is potentially 2 or more attacks at 2nd lvl. That action economy makes it pointless to take any other class at early levels/
ReplyDeleteWhat sort of triggers are they using for the reaction attack that they take? If they're using something just like "an enemy makes an attack", that's really too general for the ready action. The PHB leaves it kind of general what triggers are acceptable, but both examples they give refer to a rather specific action by one creature, so maybe try limiting what they can use to an action undertaken by a single opponent?
DeleteIf it's still a big issue, I'll move the ready bonus action into Instinctive Reaction - it shouldn't be much of once characters get extra attack, since when making an attack as a reaction you can only make a single attack regardless of any extra attacks. At this point a Fast Hero would at best get 1 extra attack per round if a certain condition occurs.
We do plan to move the ability to 5th lvl to make it still useful but more balanced with two-weapon fighting. The general reaction condition is, "when the enemy moves or pops out of cover to shoot". The times when it is overpowered is when the player has an s-fire weapon and disadvantage attack with both actions; 4 total attacks and 8 d20 rolls.
DeleteHmm, you can also manage the 4 attacks with two machine pistols and two-weapon fighting. If that's turning out overpowered at the table, maybe the issue is really with how the s-fire property works?
DeleteThe best ranged damage you can get away with at 3rd level using two weapon fighting is with two-machine pistols, whilst using a bonus action Ready I think the best is a combat rifle. Against a decently armored opponent (let's say AC 15) with a decent attack bonus (5), the TWF option has total average damage at about 12 while the Ready option is about 17. However, I'm not sure this is a big issue. While it is a significant damage bonus, you have to be both a Fast Hero and take an Advanced Class with martial weapon proficiency, so you're probably trying to spec into damage primarily, while the two-weapon fighting option is available to any character. Additionally, melee TWF can reach about 14 average damage per round.
Regardless, the situation could probably do with a little tweaking, so in future updates I'll probably add some better TWF options, and probably add more penalties to s-fire.
Okay I redid my maths on some stuff, seems like I was lowballing the Ready option, I think a damage/round of almost 24 (42.25% to hit, avg 14 dmg per hit, 4 attacks) should be achievable with a combat rifle (I didn't take into account fighting styles), which is absolutely too much for 3rd level.
DeleteThe Bonus Action ready should definitely be handicapped, perhaps limiting it to environment interactions and movement. Fast Heroes basically get the same thing in their 9th level feature anyway, so I might just remove it. I think some of the weapons need a good bit of tweaking, changing ammo consumption and capacity to reduce the effectiveness of s-fire over long battles. I may also tweak s-fire so that you don't add your ability modifier to s-fire attacks without a feat, like two-weapon fighting. Any suggestions you have would be much appreciated.
Your works are amazing. can I translate and distribute these Non-commercially in Korean?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! I'm honestly flattered that you think my stuff is worth translating. I'd appreciate a link to this blog from wherever you're distributing, and would love to see any translations you finish.
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DeleteThanks, I'll be sure of that
DeleteDo you plan on adding feats?
ReplyDeleteVery interesting job. I have a question for you: can it be usable under OGL?
ReplyDeleteIll be totally honest in saying I don't personally have a lot of knowledge about the licensing system that Wizards uses, could you clarify your question?
DeleteIs your work usable under the OGL license to publish another product? In other terms can I use your conversion to create and publish my own setting?
ReplyDeleteOh absolutely, I'm always excited to see what others create based on my own work. Hey, if you ever do end up publishing something based on the modern conversion please let me know, I'd love to take a look at it.
DeletePerfect, thank you.
DeleteActually I am studying an alternative system that eliminates the 5ed levels. But I also have a modern fantasy setting in mind. I hope to succeed.
I didn't notice anything regarding multiclassing in the documents. Has there been anything worked out in that regard, so far? The system feels very limited without the option of taking additional advanced classes, although there is always the option of taking more basic classes, so every 2nd level you could gain a new advanced class. I really would like to think of something a bit less obtuse than that, though.
ReplyDeleteI know the basic idea behind how multiclassing would work, but wording it is an absolute mouthful. This is largely due to how spellcasting progression works in 5e. Here goes:
Delete1. When multiclassing, you can choose to gain levels directly in an advanced class, or in a base class without taking an advanced class with it.
2. Levels in a lone base class act like normal multiclassing, but you can skip over the levels where you would gain an advanced class feature. When skipping a level this way, your total level must be at least one less than the class level you are gaining. For example, if you are a Fast Hero 1/Strong Hero 5, having skipped the first advanced class level on Strong Hero, your total level is 5. Therefore, you can't skip the 2nd advanced class level on the Strong Hero class, as you need to have a total level of at least 6.
3. Levels in a base class with an associated advanced class that has spellcasting count towards your total spell slots available like in normal D&D 5e. If the highest spell slot normally available is 5th level, they count as half levels. If the highest spell slot normally available to the advanced class is 4th level, they count as one third levels.
4. When taking levels in an advanced class by itself, treat the levels you would gain their features at normally as level prerequisites. If the advanced class has spellcasting, it also counts towards your total total spell slots available like in normal D&D 5e. If the highest spell slot normally available is 5th level, they count as full levels. If the highest spell slot normally available to the advanced class is 4th level, they count as two thirds levels.
Phew, like I said it's a total pain as it is now. This is why I never really released them formally. To improve them probably means reworking how the entire levelling system works for the supplement though. It's definitely a struggle to combine the slightly more free-form levelling from d20 Modern with the pretty rigid, simplified system of D&D 5e.
Hello great job here. It seems that you lowered the advanced class options to 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th. I do not see an updated martial artist. Do you suggest changing the advanced class options from the martial artist to match the new progression? Do you plan on updating the martial artist?
Hello! I am a big fan of your work, I have been looking for adaptations for modern / syfy / futuristic / cyberpunk settings for a long time and you can believe me when I say that your work is easily one of the best I have ever found on the internet (and believe me, I spent a year browsing and looking for these adaptations, esper genesis, hyperlanes, hellscapes, ultramodern 5e and ultramodern redux and many others). however I see that many things were not retroactively balanced / updated as you were creating new content. I would like to know if you are thinking of going back and updating the old advanced classes and maybe creating new ones (and I would like to say that GM Binder has serious formatting errors that almost prevent reading the basic classes), I would very much like to help in your project if you go back to work on it, anyway i would like to ask for permission to translate (PT / BR) and make some small balance adjustments. I look forward to your reply and hope you continue with the good work!
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks for your comment! In an ideal world, I would go back and rebalance and update pretty much everything I have so far eventually yes. Though as you probably already know, I am currently on hiatus from the blog so the future is a little uncertain.
DeleteI have had some serious issues with GM Binder in the past particularly with things looking fine on one browser but being unreadable in others (this is why I started sharing pdfs as well). Though it's not perfect, you should be able to view the source text in all of the documents if you're having issues.
You absolutely have permission to translate the project and make whatever adjustments you like. Everything I write is presented under this license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
With regards to any sort of possible collaboration when I return to working on the project, I am definitely open to the idea. I've never done anything like it in the past, but I reckon it would only improve the content.
At the top of the funnel, your new leads are exposed to your brand for the first time. We can measure this exposure with key metrics like a number of impressions, impression share, lost impressions, etc.
I seriously just want to say thank you! I've been wanting to run this kind of 80s themed dnd game for the longest time. I like what I've played of 5e, and it's the system I feel most comfortable with, but having it work in a modern setting in the way I imagined felt daunting, and no other system really intrigued me. These kinds of classes and abilities are EXACTLY what I was looking for and I really haven't found anything like this. I'm surprised your blog didn't come up sooner! Thanks so much for your work on this, really great stuff!
ReplyDeleteThey then find their way into your hair strands and become embedded Exercise makes you sweat more and increases your heart rate, speeding up the process While DIY detox methods will not provide drastic results, there are several professionally designed marijuana detox remedies and kits available online Yes, detox drinks do work for weed Fortunately, hair shampoos exist that, when used before going for a drug test, can help regular weed smokers stay in the clear It comes in the form of a powder and you have to mix it to prepare the sample Visit: https://www.urineworld.com/
ReplyDeleteIf you need to remove toxins from your body, you want to make sure that you’re as thorough as possible. During experimentation, some toxins can still show up, particularly in your hair follicles. Fortunately, you can remove all unwanted toxins from your hair using a process called the M Methodics. Whether you have an experiment coming up in a few days or a week, the M Methodics can help ensure that your hair is clean and toxin-free. Your hair and scalp are pretty sensitive to biological and chemical changes. This is a fancy way of saying that the foods you eat and the products you use can affect your hair’s health, thickness, and length. As toxins enter your body, they get stored in the hair, where they can stay for up to 90 days. The more buildup of toxins in your body, the longer it takes for them to shed naturally. A big reason why toxins stay in the hair for so long is that your follicles have three layers - the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla. Toxins stay in the cortex, which is protected by the hard outer cuticle. The M Methodics breaks down the cuticle so that you can remove toxins from deep within the follicles. There are quite a few hair detox options available, but the M Methodics is one of the most comprehensive and potent. It is a seven-step process that will go deeper than other detoxification strategies. Although the M Methodics is somewhat time-consuming, toxins shouldn’t show up during any experiments. This method uses a blend of natural and chemical agents to strip your hair of unwanted toxins. If you prefer to go with an all-natural solution, you’ll have to look elsewhere. The items necessary for the M Methodics are: So, when buying Aloe Olding styling shampoo, make sure to purchase only a bottle of Olding styling shampoo. A word of warning: some sites will claim to have a similar formula, but there are many fakes out there, so be wary. This product works to cleanse your scalp and helps remove toxins from the base of your hair follicles. The secret to its success is salicylic acid. Some shampoos have this acid, but the Cleansing Scrub is more powerful. Once you have everything on your hair, you don’t want to get it wet, nor do you want the chemicals to evaporate too quickly. A shower cap helps remove the toxins more reliably. You may have some of this in your laundry room already, meaning that you don’t have to buy any extra to clean your hair.
ReplyDeletehey i was looking into most if not all of these documents and nearly all of them are formatted in a way where a lot of the text is unreadable now