d20 Modern Conversion: Miscellaneous Gear

This week, the next installment of the d20 Modern conversion expands the equipment section, adding a selection of miscellaneous gear for the modern adventurer.

After an unplanned break last week or personal reasons, we're back into the d20 Modern conversion with gear. I've decided to stop listing items with Value scores, as per the Wealth and Reputation rules, instead giving them a traditional cost (listed in dollars, since that probably hits the most of the users of this resource). I wanted to emphasise that the wealth rules are considered an optional add-on, and also figured that its easier to convert a cost into a value score rather than the other way around.

There are a lot of items in this gear list taken directly from the Player's Handbook, as I wanted them to be easily available to players with an easy price reference. Other items are new or updated versions of traditional gear, such as the signal flare. There's a smaller number of totally new items, with inspiration and some mechanics taken from various homebrews I've seen in the past, and as with my weapons and armour I would particularly like to pay tribute to Dungeonmusings' Gunslinger Class and AeronDrake's Modern Handbook. Seriously, check them out, it's the good kush.

The document on GM Binder: Miscellaneous Gear

Equipment is almost done for this conversion, with just tools, some new rules and vehicles left. Next week will either be more advanced classes, the tools section, or another installment in my expanded magic mini set. See you then!


  1. Hi mate, I've tried viewing this document in Chrome, and it seems to push some of it's content off the first page.

    I'm also wondering, how did you devise their costs? I am looking at converting some of these items back to GP standard, and from a quick viewing of items that are common to both this and the PHB, their costs seem to differentiate from item to item.

    Kind regards,


    1. Thanks for the formatting heads up, GM binder docs don't always play so nice and can display slightly differently based on a variety of settings. I might start uploading PDFs in the future so I can ensure the formatting remains consistent under different viewing conditions.

      As for the costing, I used a combination of d20 Modern's original assigned Values where appropriate, and googling versions of the products elsewhere to get ballpark figures for average costs. If you're looking for GP equivalent's, the two other homebrews I mentioned in the post would be a good place to start, as they list all prices in GP.


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