d20 Modern Conversion: Advanced Classes - Field Scientist and Techie

This week, the next installment of the d20 Modern conversion introduces two more advanced classes for the conversion: the Field Scientist and the Techie.

Refer to my advanced classes post regarding my planned update schedule and goals with these advanced classes.

Well I totally forgot about this until midnight tonight. Regardless, its here at last, the oft-postponed Field Scientist and Techie advanced classes.

The Field Scientist

The party's brainbox, the Field Scientist is definitely much more than a pen pusher. Spending every available moment in the field, cataloging and experimenting whenever possible, they can make use of their gathered knowledge to gain an edge an a variety of situations.

I originally had a draft of a thieves' cant-like ability for the field scientist called "smartspeak", where essentially you would use excessively protracted expressions and phrases to obfuscate the core concept you are attempting to convey. I cut it because it was a little bit too ribbon-ish and the class was feeling bloated, but maybe it will return in later drafts if a slot opens up.

I'm not totally jazzed about the field scientist as it is now. I tried to follow the description as best I could, but it feels a little bit like a grab bag at the moment, and I'm pretty sure it is lagging behind power-wise. This is partly because a lot of the abilities I could think of or find that might apply to the field scientist were at least partially covered by the smart hero class.

The Techie

Able to build some gadget or gizmo for almost any situation, the Techie can fill a variety of party roles. By applying the right upgrades to their robot, they can act as recon, support, or as a heavy hitter as necessary. Their versatility and expertise makes them an indispensable position both on and off the battlefield.

The robot upgrades definitely need another pass before this is totally safe to play. I largely wrote out anything I could think of for them, so they may be a lil' unbalanced.

I'm not totally sure on how I've dealt with removing and adding modifications. While a Techie should arguably be able to build a bot for any situation, doing so quickly would allow them to tackle pretty much any task with only a very little prep work. Currently, the best Techie possible would require eight days to fully reconfigure their bot, but it wouldn't cost them anything. I tossed a few other ideas around as an alternative to the Int modifier max. One involved an expense to applying upgrades, but that feels like locking class features behind character circumstance which I'm not a huge fan of. Another was the Techie gains a couple points every long rest, to a maximum number of points equal to their level and using that to limit their reconfiguring.

The document on GM Binder: The Field Scientist and The Techie

Well that's it for this week. Now with all the basic advanced classes out of the way, I'm going to be releasing whatever I've got finished at a particular time again. In the future, expect refinements of the advanced classes, additional gear, magical advanced classes, and maybe even some NPCs.


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