The Warlock of Firetop Mountain - Full Adventure

For any readers from the future, know that this meme was outdated from day 1.

I know. I know. I apologise to all my (imaginary) readers, this project took far longer than I expected. Turns out the write up for all this wasn't just gonna take a day, and that I also seem to be really bad at finishing things. I managed to find a new project to work on though, which you'll be seeing the start of quite soon (I hope).

But enough blabbering, here's the full adventure, which I created using the wonderful Homebrewery tool. Seriously, if you haven't heard of it already (how???), and you do anything related to D&D homebrew, you should seriously check it out.

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain

That's basically all I have to say this time. I might still make a few tweaks to the adventure document, but at this point I certainly consider it done. Like I said, I've already started working on a new project that I'm really excited for, that you should see the start of quite soon (you may have already seen an early draft if you frequent certain D&D reddits).


  1. Omg you did an amazing job! i hope this is the first of many more to come i can't wait to run my group through this.

  2. I know I am couple years late but I just noticed that some of the text in the document is cut off.


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