
Showing posts from April, 2020

d20 Modern Conversion: Advanced Classes Updates 3

Hey guys, just got some minor updates to the Advocate and Battle Mind advanced classes this time.

Saturday Morning Adventure Dev Diaries #1: Positioning in Combat

Okay here we go. I'm jumping into pondering about some of my ideas for my next big project  Saturday Morning Adventure . I thought I would start out with my ideas regarding how positioning may work in combat. First of all, let's talk about the (theoretical) game board. I don't want to track distance in combat. Like a lot of older video games, the game board will be simply split into the "friends" side and the "foes" side. For now I'm going to refer to each of these sides as a "territory". Most combat encounters will just have the two territories, but I'll probably include rules for running multiple at once. Each territory will also have up to 2 possible positions, lead and rear . Characters in the lead position are up front, facing the opposing territory directly while characters in the rear position are hanging back, focusing on either support or ranged attacks. I'm worried I'm getting caught up in my words here, so I'll ...

Warlock to Advocate: Eldritch Invocations Analysis

Hey all, I was just working on the second draft of the Advocate advanced class, planning to release it in a post in a few days. When I was taking a second pass over the Eldritch Invocations the Advocate would have access to, I ran into the question of how to change their level prerequisites in a way that makes sense. I started doing some quick analysis of this and thought it might make for an interesting post. Well maybe not interesting, but informative? Insightful? Anything? The main issue I was struggling with was the invocations that grant you access to spells. Considering the Advocate advanced class gets access to higher level spells more slowly than the Warlock, should the level requirement be raised for an invocation that gives them access to a spell? As with many things, I started off by making a spreadsheet. I think a key distinction here is whether using the invocation requires a spell slot or not. If no slot is required, it feels more like an extra feature or innate po...

Two RPG Ideas I Had

Catchy title, right? Just a casual post today discussing two ideas for some tabletop games I've had recently. My first idea came a while ago. Spurred on by playing Dragon Ball Fighterz, I was wondering about how possible it might be to translate the themes and mechanics from classic fighting games into a tabletop format. Obviously something like this would take a lot of work and creativity. Plus, fighting games are typically 1v1 matches, would that be something you include somehow or throw away? Combo's are certainly a no-go, who wants to sit around and wait while one person lists off the moves they pull off in sequence? Maybe you could simulate real-time by having a counter incrementing every turn, and introduce attack startup and recovery like that? Also, woud something like this even be fun? A lot of the fun in fighting games comes from their competitive, adversarial nature. Would you have to pit the GM against the players? For a while this idea didn't go much furt...

So I launched a Patreon

The title pretty much says it all. I've launched a Patreon.  I don't currently plan on adding much there unless it grows signifcantly, right now its basically just a way to support me if you want to. I wanna make it totally clear that right now becoming a patron does not come with any benefits . It's just a way to give some support to me and the blog. Not to say that this definitely won't change in the future, but right now that's how it is. If I start getting any significant support I would love to expand this blog, maybe hosting my own site with any of the thousand tools that are out there now rather than relying on blogger. If there's decent interest I might start a discord server or something like that. I'm also kinda interested in the idea of comissioning art for the stuff I make. That's pretty much all I had to say. See you next time.

D&D 5th Edition: Modern Manual Progress Review

Hey lads just a quick progress review post here. There's not really any homebrew content this time so if you want to skip over feel free. I just wanted to make a post reviewing the progress that has been made towards the modern conversion, which I'm now going to start calling the 5E "Modern Manual" for the foreseeable future. It's not exactly the most interesting name but it gets the job done. As well as going through the content so far I also wanted to outline what else I have planned for the Modern Manual, stuff I that will be done before the Modern Manual is a "finished product". First of all, the content that I think is pretty much finished: Base Classes Equipment Wealth and Reputation Races - Alternate Human, Mutant and Robot Backgrounds Radiation Rules Next are things that I've created, but I think need some significant revisions or additions before they can be included: Vehicles - The first run I did at vehicles was pretty poor...

Rules for Impromptu Casting for D&D 5th Edition

This week, I present some fairly light rules for allowing casters to use spells they don't have prepared.