So I launched a Patreon

The title pretty much says it all. I've launched a Patreon. I don't currently plan on adding much there unless it grows signifcantly, right now its basically just a way to support me if you want to.

I wanna make it totally clear that right now becoming a patron does not come with any benefits. It's just a way to give some support to me and the blog. Not to say that this definitely won't change in the future, but right now that's how it is.

If I start getting any significant support I would love to expand this blog, maybe hosting my own site with any of the thousand tools that are out there now rather than relying on blogger. If there's decent interest I might start a discord server or something like that. I'm also kinda interested in the idea of comissioning art for the stuff I make.

That's pretty much all I had to say. See you next time.


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