Saturday Morning Adventure: Character Creation Chapter Draft

Hey all! As promised last week, something that's hopefully exciting today. I've got a draft of one of the chapters of SMA for you!

As you'll probably notice if you've been following the dev diaries series, the rules presented here have undergone quite a few tweaks and refinements since their conception. Here's a quick summary of all the major changes, but it's possible I've missed some stuff since I didn't record the changes as I made them:

  • The range of attributes has been changed from -4/+4 to -3/+3.
  • Added hit dice and initiative rank, partially as placeholders in case I end up needing them later.
  • Removed the "Judgement" defense score, it just seemed too confusing without adding anything substantial.
  • Changed from having "ability points" which are spent to gain new in-combat abilities to just having a set maximum number of abilitites based on your level. Adding an extra point-buy mechanic feels overly complicated, especially when abilitites will already be balanced by their Stamina cost to use.
  • Adjusted the skill cap and skill points gained per level.

The document on GM Binder: SMA Character Creation Draft Chapter

That's all I had for today, hope you guys enjoy it. I'm getting really excited to see some of the rules written down in a "real" way like this, and can't wait to share more of the draft work with y'all.

As I mentioned a while ago, I'm planning on changing the name of this RPG project to avoid confusion between this and a video game called "Saturday Morning RPG". I've honestly been putting this off a little, as naming stuff doesn't really come easy to me and I really want something that at least sounds decent. Plus, threading the needle between giving some sense of the vibe of the game without being too setting specific is turning out to be pretty hard. Regardless, I'm hoping to have a new name decided by next week.

Next week's post will probably be another dev diary, I hope to see you then!


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