Warlock of Firetop Mountain Minor Fix

Hey lads, I'm here with a very minor update today. As was helpfully pointed out to me on twitter, there was an error in the Warlock of Firetop Mountain adventure for D&D 5e I released back in 2018. Basically, after a certain point the rooms were numbered wrong. A pretty small issue, but also easy to fix so why not.

The document was initially released using Homebrewery, but I've since switched over to GM Binder and don't know where the original document is. Luckily, I ported the document over to GM Binder a while ago so I've just updated that file. My apologies to any hardcore Homebrewery fans.

The Fixed Document on GM Binder

Looking back on this adventure now has really been a trip down memory lane. I'm honestly surprised by how much work I put into my first major project looking back on it, and how well it turned out. But with the benefit of hindsight I can definitely see some of the flaws of the adventure - the main one being just how many combat encounters there are, and some easy ways to subvert certain challenges. Maybe once my exams are over it might be fun to go back to this adventure, or try converting any of the other Fighting Fantasy books into D&D adventures - if anyone is particularly interested in these let me know.
It also gave me a particular goal in relation to Saturday Morning Adventure - I'll convert the adventure into that system when it's done as a sort of litmus test to see how well it works once it's close to finished.

Well that's all I had to say. I'm hoping to get another SMA development diary finished within the next couple days, so I hope to see you then.


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