Vehicle Rules are Taking a While

Hey all, I just wanted to give a quick update about the next d20 Modern Conversion content: rules for vehicles.
Forming a version of these rules that I'm happy with is driving me a little insane.

I'm currently bouncing between between a version that feels more 5E based on the ships rules in "Ghosts of Saltmarsh", and a more faithful conversion of the original d20 Modern vehicle rules. It doesn't exactly help that the "Of Ships and Sea" rules are quite specifically geared toward vehicles that have multiple crew members, and kinda skirts around how the crew acts. I mean if a vehicle has a single crew member, does that character also get their own turn independent of the vehicle? The rules mention specific actions officers can take, so it seems like they get their own independent turns for the ships presented, but this doesn't really seem to make sense if the case is a car being driven by one person.

While I don't really want to just make some vehicles in the same format as the ships in Ghosts of Saltmarsh, I also don't exactly want to make a direct copy of the d20 Modern rules, because what would be the point? You could basically take the rules as written and change a couple keywords (like "move action" to "bonus action" for instance), but I really want the rules to feel like they fit into 5E and contribute something to them myself.

I think I'm definitely going to go through multiple versions of these rules, each very different from one another. After, I'm going to leave it up to y'all to decide which you think is best, which will then be the version which receives the most tweaking and polish.

Well there, that's it for today. I just wanted to explain why the next post is gonna take a while, and maybe receive some feedback from anyone that wants to give it. See y'all again when the first version of the rules are done!


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