d20 Modern Conversion: Equipment - Arms and Armor

This week, the next installment of the d20 Modern conversion kicks off the equipment section, including rules for armour and weapons.
I'm very much excited to be getting down to the equipment for the conversion - it's just got so much potential for interesting items and mechanics. I'd planned to release more advanced classes this week, but I was pretty slammed the whole week with roughly an exam every day, so I was unable to work on them much at all. So I'm bringing out something I've had in the bank for a little while now. I'm still kinda hazy on the specifics for a lot of the numbers here for things like values and ranges, but they should all be in roughly the right spot at least. I've really tried to include a large range of different weapon types to allow for as much player choice as possible.

Anyway, that's enough yammering, here's the content.

The document on GM Binder: Armour and Weapons

When writing this up, I took inspiration from many places, and would particularly like to pay tribute to Dungeonmusings' Gunslinger Class and AeronDrake's Modern Handbook.

I'm very much nearing the end of exam season, so I should be able to start releasing larger updates quite soon. Next week I plan to release the Personality and Negotiator advanced classes, but don't hold me to that. Well that's all for this week, be sure to check back next week for more content!


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