d20 Modern Conversion: Advanced Classes - Personality and Negotiator

This week, the next installment of the d20 Modern conversion introduces two more advanced classes for the conversion: the Personality and Negotiator.

Refer to my first advanced classes post regarding my planned update schedule and goals with these advanced classes. These advanced classes are for use with my modern base classes.

First off, I kinda took a little unscheduled an unannounced hiatus last week. My final exam was last Monday, and I just couldn't really work on anything much over the weekend. And after the exam, I honestly just wasn't in the mood to right anything. But regardless, I'm sorry I probably should mentioned something. Whatever, I'm back now with more free time than ever! Hopefully that means more writing, but We Will See.

The Field Scientist and Techie advanced classes (as well as the rest of the equipment rules) are still in the works, so here's another couple of subclasses that don't rely on the equipment rules for your enjoyment.


Celebrity by day, whatever the hell they want by night. The Personality is more than adept at making use of their fame for their own personal advancement, they are often the face of the party. Currently, my main concern is that this advanced class does pretty much nothing in combat. While this is totally intentional, I'm unsure as to how well it would work in play. A Personality character would definitely lag behind a little in the combat department, but should absolutely excel at making others shine when they help prepare for conflicts and at social interactions.


A much more combat-focused counterpart to the prior, the Negotiator can compromise with everyone and anyone. This advanced class has several abilities geared to limiting the threat posed by dangerous individuals, and at higher levels will even be able to make use of these threats themself. One of my main concerns with this advanced class as it stands now is the flagship ability: Talk Down. Not specifically it's functionality, but it's uses. In its current form, there are no limits on how many times per rest a Negotiator can use this ability. There weren't any limits in the original d20 Modern rules, and I can sort of see why. The ability only really makes the targets nonhostile to you, which isn't always that useful. If a pacified target is attacked, you can't just spam it back on them. But on the other hand, a single save vs pacification against a potentially large number of targets at high levels without any limits on number of uses just feels slightly wrong to me, even if it works.

The document on GM Binder: The Personality and The Negotiator

That's all for this week. Next week, probably more equipment rules.


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