d20 Modern Conversion: Advanced Classes - Daredevil and Bodyguard

This week, the next installment of the d20 Modern conversion introduces two more advanced classes for the conversion: the Daredevil and the Bodyguard.

Refer to my advanced classes post regarding my planned update schedule and goals with these advanced classes.

The Daredevil

The Daredevil is the person to go to when you gotta do something dangerous. Often with these characters, you're not sure if they're brave, crazy, or just stupid. One thing is for sure though - despite the odds, they've survived this long. This advanced class gives you plenty of ways to avoid damage, making them one of the toughest around. One of my biggest concerns with this class though is where it uses exhaustion for a couple abilities. I am very much aware that using exhaustion can completely cripple a subclass (we all know who I'm referring to, Berserker), and in an attempt to get around this issue the exhaustion effects a) are totally avoidable without losing huge amounts of power and b) are delayed until after the ability is completed. The use of exhaustion is supposed to represent the character regularly pushing themself passed their limits, which is certainly a theme I would like to maintain. If they still turn out as a big issue in playtesting I'll probably add a clause that the character is always treated as being one exhaustion level lower than their current exhaustion level.

The Bodyguard

The security expert of the team (read: the mom who doesn't want anyone to get hurt), the Bodyguard is skilled at defending their teammates and reducing the danger of threatening opponents. With this advanced class, I'm slightly concerned that a lot of the abilities don't gel together as well as I might want, and feels a little like a grab-bag of abilities that fit the theme.

The document on GM Binder: The Daredevil and The Bodyguard

Well that's it for this week. Depending on how this week goes, I might have a special update next week, departing briefly from the advanced classes schedule, but let's wait and see. If not, expect the Field Scientist and Techie advanced classes.


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