d20 Modern Conversion: Advanced Classes - Gunslinger and Infiltrator
This week, the next installment of the d20 Modern conversion introduces two more advanced classes for the conversion: the Gunslinger and the Infiltrator.
Refer to my last post regarding my planned update schedule and goals with these advanced classes.
I'm still kind of on the fence regarding the whole subclass resources issue, but these two advanced classes aren't really directly affected by it all that much so I'm going to keepavoiding making a decision mulling it over.
The document on GM Binder: The Gunslinger and The Infiltrator
That's all for this week my dudes. I'm still desperately in need for as much feedback ad I can get on these advanced classes, and any I receive goes much appreciated. Next week: The Bodyguard and The Daredevil. See you then!
Refer to my last post regarding my planned update schedule and goals with these advanced classes.
I'm still kind of on the fence regarding the whole subclass resources issue, but these two advanced classes aren't really directly affected by it all that much so I'm going to keep
The Gunslinger
The Gunslinger is exactly what you'd expect, the stereotypical dexterity-based fighter for a modern setting. Watch out, John Wick, a new master of gun-fu approaches. I can't quite decide whether I want this advanced class to focus solely on one-handed firearms or not. As it stands now, it comes down on a more general side, but could easily be changed. I have kept the two options together for now as I'm worried making them two distinct advanced classes would just have too many shared features. Maybe something like the Hunter subclass for the Ranger would be better suited to separating different styles of gunplay, if indeed that is desired.The Infiltrator
Your typical stealth-based character, I've slightly refrained from giving this advanced class many combat abilities, allowing them to focus more on technical stealth based skills. I did consider giving this character a Sneak Attack feature, possibly with slower progression than the PHB Rogue, but it already feels slightly bloated for features. I'll consider switching it in when it comes around to balancing the advanced classes.The document on GM Binder: The Gunslinger and The Infiltrator
That's all for this week my dudes. I'm still desperately in need for as much feedback ad I can get on these advanced classes, and any I receive goes much appreciated. Next week: The Bodyguard and The Daredevil. See you then!
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