d20 Modern Conversion: Wealth and Reputation Rules

This week, the next installment of the d20 Modern conversion contains rules for wealth and reputation.

I was originally going to release the first set of backgrounds this week, so people could get down to making characters as quickly as possible. I set about preparing the document before I realised that I mention the wealth and reputation systems a lot in that section, so it would probably be best to get them out first.

The document on GM Binder: Wealth and Reputation

These rules present an alternative way of dealing with wealth in D&D 5th Edition, as well as slightly harder rules for dealing with reputation in your games. As always, this is still in a draft stage. My largest concern right now is with the reputation system, since it's much more different to the system in d20 Modern than the wealth system presented is. I'm not completely sure how I feel about using reputation as a resource, but I'm excited to try it out.

Next week's post will probably be the first set of backgrounds, unless I find a particularly large flaw in this week's content which I have to update.


  1. i love your work, and have done my own take on this bust is a bit different than yours, if you like i can send you a copy of the work i have done.

    1. For sure! I'd be really interested in seeing your take on these rules.


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